Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hypocrisy bothers me

I have experienced a lot of hypocrisy within my lifetime. And my logical brain really struggles to understand how people's claimed beliefs and their actions can be so disparate in such cases. How can a church who holds marriage as sacred and who celebrates Jesus' ministry to the downtrodden, require a minister to choose between the church and his wife because she isn't strong enough physically and mentally to devote hours of volunteer service (true story experienced by my parents)? How can people juxtapose prayers for God to help them find a parking space with the realities of poverty in third world nations? How can religious teachers claim that their faith can withstand any intellectual assault and then turn around and accuse those who ask sincere questions of not trusting enough? These are just a few in a long litany of contradictions that perplex me.

But then I read about a contradiction that totally amused me. I'm sure you've heard of Westboro Baptist Church - they are the folks who are known for organizing very hateful protests, especially of anything to do with homosexuality. And you've likely also heard of Glee, one of the most gay-supportive TV series currently showing. So, what is this Westboro protester doing wearing a Glee t-shirt? Ridiculous!

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